The Infamous Jet Lag
Our circadian clocks are pretty in sync with our routine, it’s only when that routine gets so knocked off track that we start to see the effects. Jet lag is one of those sneaky things that we don’t usually add into our itinerary when we travel. Jet lag is defined as a sleep disorder which involves insomnia and sleepiness at inappropriate times of day due to transmeridian air travel. Sleepy during the day. Wake during the night. It can sometimes cause headaches, dizziness, and overall brain fogginess.
You know what I’m going to say next: there’s an IV for that! You can actually use IV therapy to help keep those awful jet lag symptoms at bay. The symptoms of air travel, changes in pressure from being in the air to being on the ground, and sitting for extended periods of time can all be aided with IV hydration. The jet lag headaches can be treated with an IV with a high magnesium content. Usually a “Myer’s Cocktail” blend would be most effective in this case. The extra fluids can also help rehydrate your body on the cellular level much faster and more efficiently than drinking your water. Water ingested still has to go through the digestive system and only a portion of the water intake is absorbed, the rest is excreted. With IV hydration you can ensure that it will be completely and quickly absorbed in the bloodstream.
Another important quality for your IV to include is a B-complex or B12. This helps keep you energized throughout the day. The B vitamins are extremely important for the metabolism of your food, meaning it helps to break down your food into usable energy for the body. Added energy (at the appropriate time of day) could ensure that your body will get back on track and adjust to the time change. It also is a plus because it keeps your mind sharp, getting rid of that foggy feeling after extended periods of travel.
Our “Basic Hangover Drip” does way more than just keep the hangover away. It also works for that uncomfortable “hangover-like” jet lag feeling. With added magnesium, B12, and vitamin C (keep your immune system sharp after the recycled air on the plane) it has absolutely everything your body needs to be on its A-game.
Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We would be happy to help. Schedule your appointment now with Navo.