Top 5 Energy Boosting Supplements

Coffee not doing it for you anymore? Has fatigue been holding you hostage? Here are 5 supplements that have been proven to get you up and going.

#1 Vitamin B12

This one is a no brainer. Anyone who suffers from chronic fatigue has been told that they should increase their intake of vitamin B12, but it is definitely not easy increasing B12 in your diet. B12 plays a huge role in protein metabolism meaning that it binds to the proteins we eat and breaks them down into a form of energy that our bodies can easily use.

#2 Glutathione

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding the use of Glutathione supplementation. It is often called the “master antioxidant” for the multitude of benefits it provides. Glutathione can provide for a more sustained, clean energy. Much better than an extra cup of coffee. This antioxidant is responsible for detoxifying your body and for those of you who love to exercise, it reduces your recovery time at the gym.

#3 Citrulline

An essential amino acid in the body’s urea cycle. Which means, Citrulline plays an important role in the metabolism and removal process of harmful substances in the body. It has huge benefits for those who exercise, in that it aids in the formation of muscle. Having this supplement in your body can potentially help you to train longer and decrease fatigue related to exercise

#4 Taurine

Yes, that taurine. There’s a reason that so many energy drink brands use taurine as an active ingredient. It is actually an amino acid naturally found in our bodies that we need when we are under stress. Taurine is largely responsible for burning fat for energy during our workouts. It can also help with that brain fog. 

#5 Zinc

An essential mineral found in our bodies that we often take for granted. This nutrient is responsible for many vital processes, most specifically, the metabolism of food into energy.

Do you need a drip to keep you sharp? We can come to you! Schedule your appointment now with Navo. We would be happy to help. 


The “Master” Antioxidant: Glutathione


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