The “Master” Antioxidant: Glutathione

If you are in the health and wellness circle, you’ve heard about the antioxidant glutathione. You are also probably wondering if this is just another wellness craze or this supplement is actually something to be buzzing about. First and foremost, let me be the one to tell you that this is not just another fad. Glutathione is an antioxidant that our bodies are capable of making in the liver. However, sometimes our bodies can be glutathione deficient. That is usual when we start getting sicker more often. Glutathione deficiency actually has correlation with some chronic illnesses.

Let’s look at some of the many benefits of glutathione supplementation.

Reduce stress, reduce risk of disease

While glutathione is not the miracle cure all for everything, it has a crazy long list of benefits for our bodies. As an antioxidant does, glutathione is responsible for detoxing our body of harmful compounds. It aids in the breaking down of free radicals in the body and supports our immune system function. By performing these functions it allows for a decrease in oxidative stress. This is most important because high levels of oxidative stress can become chronic illness, such as diabetes and cancer.

Fountain of youth

Other than the good things it does for the inside of the body, glutathione has many visible benefits too! It helps to keep the appearance of the skin looking brighter and healthier. It has many anti-aging properties (largely due to how powerful of an antioxidant it is) as well as targeting the hyper-pigmentation that may occur on the surface of the skin.

Train smarter, not harder

Glutathione has also been found to encourage the metabolism of fats in the body along with encouraging the body to produce muscle when training hard at the gym. The fats get converted into energy which gives you just the boost you need. The best part is that glutathione is also used for recovery. Since it controls inflammation, those sore muscles start feeling better much faster.

Do you think you are glutathione deficient? We would be happy to help. Schedule now with Navo. 




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