What is NAD therapy?

So what even is this miracle “fountain of youth” therapy? The full name is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide or NAD for short. NAD is this amazing coenzyme that exists in all the cells in your body. A coenzyme is just a compound that can help carry out reactions in your body. It initiates the reactions that metabolize food into the energy that our body can use. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

There are so many other processes that NAD has hands in. For example, studies show that it can be used as a powerful anti-aging treatment. It is also evident that NAD plays a large role in brain function by getting rid of that brain fog. NAD performs so many important processes in the brain, so much so that there is hope that NAD therapy can reverse neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease.

Long story short, our bodies create NAD. As we age, the production of NAD slows down. In turn, the processes that the coenzyme regulates also slow down. It helps to reverse the damage done at the cellular level. NAD therapy even repairs at the chromosomal level. Chromosomes have DNA end caps called telomeres. As we age, the telomeres become shorter in size which speeds up the aging process. NAD therapy helps to reverse this shortening and stop aging in its tracks. 

The fountain of youth is right here at your fingertips. We come to you! We would be happy to help. Schedule your appointment now with Navo. 

SOURCE: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24786309/


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