The Dreaded Stomach Bug

Fever, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle aches. It’s that time of year. The stomach virus has been especially harsh, these viruses have been going around and spreading like wildfire. Here are some ways that you can combat that yucky feeling and start feeling better faster.

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Nothing is worse than the stomach bug depleting all your fluids. Between the nauseous stomach and the bathroom trips, you lose a whole lot of water. When we don’t have enough water in our bodies, this draws water out of our cells. Making it harder for cells to be at optimal function. Putting something into your stomach is probably the last thing you want to do, but try drinking light fluids like water, ice chips, fruit juice, and broth. Don’t forget that those sports drinks contain hidden sugars, so be careful. Electrolyte drinks can be helpful in the rehydration process. 

However, if nausea persists it might be time to think of other ways to rehydrate. Oftentimes in hospitals, people would bypass the nausea by getting IV hydration. The solution they receive usually has added electrolytes and minerals. This replenishes the electrolytes that are usually lost from diarrhea and vomiting. 

Stop eating solids

Give your stomach a little break so it can reset. Adding solid foods into your stomach in the beginning stages will lead to more nausea and discomfort. Give your stomach a few hours on a clear liquid diet. Once you feel comfortable enough, then small portions of solids could be reincorporated. Bland and easily digestible foods should be incorporated first. 

Get your rest

Sleep is the best recovery. Our bodies do a lot of the behind the scenes work when we are asleep to recover. It’s also extremely difficult because your energy may be depleted from dehydration. Take it easy. 

We offer an IV for that. Let us know how we can help you. We would be happy to help. Schedule your appointment with Navo today.


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